A first step towards successful market entry strategy is determining where the greatest growth opportunities are and carefully evaluating expected benefits against the risks of doing business.
Market intelligence is critical to understanding and selecting a market, helping identify market opportunities and constraints, as well as prospective buyers and customers. Having good market intelligence helps to minimize risks when making key business decisions. It enables the business to critically review and assess if the potential market is suitable for their products or services and determine if there is a market, and if their products will be competitive in the market. It provides a basis for developing the most cost-effective and time-efficient market entry strategy.
We offer primary and secondary market research across all industry sectors with in-depth data collection to help determine the viability of a new service or product within your sector of interest. Our service involves an analysis of the market, its structures and business environment covering:
- Market Scoping - Characteristics of the selected industry Current Market Scope
- Market conditions - Analysis of market conditions the sector faces by market segment including international competitors.
- Economic and demographic - Data on growth in the sector, inflation, business cycle trends; profitability analysis for the sector’s products, specific industry economic studies (for products in the sector), key economic indicators and human capital trends (capacity, age, gender and distribution).
- Market competitive situation analysis - Review of competitor’s sales revenues, methods of market segmentation, products, and apparent strategies on an international scope
- Cultural, sociological, and political climate analysis - A non-economic review of conditions affecting the sector.
- Technological environment - Summary of the state of technology as it relates to the sector.
- Policy and Regulations
- Future forecasts - Development trends of the selected market for the coming three years including market size forecast.
Our published data and collection of market intelligence is available HERE